Exam Day Prep
Make sure you've studied for the exam. If you need a study guide, click the link below.
See our Study Guides
Know what's on your exam
Be sure to study up on topics that you'll be tested on. Take a look at what's on the exam with the link below.
Recommended browser
Remote testing is optimized for the Chrome Browser. If you'd like, you may also user Firefox. We do not recommend using Safari at the moment.
Download Chrome
Disable pop-up blocker
To make things easier, disable your pop-up blocker in your browser.
PC admin access
The Exam Proctor may ask you to install software on your computer. Make sure you have the ability to install programs.
Webcam access
Make sure your webcam works and that you'll have access to your webcam settings on the exam day.
Make sure you have adequate Internet speed
On the day of the exam plan on optimizing your internet speed by turning off devices you don't need that could use up bandwidth.
1 monitor only
If you use more than one monitor or display, disable all other monitors and just use one during the exam.
Photo ID
Make sure you have at least 2 forms of non-expired government ID. The Exam Proctor will ask for this before you can take the exam. This should be something like a driver's license and a passport.
Clear PC desktop
Make sure all apps are closed on your personal computer. Our testing proctors will not allow any non-approved apps opened on your computer.
Exam environment
Make sure you have a clean and quiet area to take the exam in. A dedicated room with your back to the door is ideal. Make sure your area is well lit. Make sure your desk is clear of any non-approved items.
Restroom breaks
Because of the duration of the exams, we recommend you refrain from using the restroom, unless you have an emergency.

If you do take a break the exam clock will continue to run during this time. If you wish to take a break, you must notify the proctor before leaving the view of the camera. Failure to inform the proctor prior to taking a break, or failure to return on time from the break, will result in the termination of your exam session. Upon your return from the break, a full security scan will be conducted before the exam session is resumed.
Smart phone and other devices
You are not allowed to have smart watches, smart phones, or other smart devices with you while you take the exam. If you do have your devices you may be asked to pause your exam and you could jepordize your chances of obtaining a license.
White boards
White boards are not allowed during the exams.
Scratch paper
You'll be allowed to use scratch paper. The board will provide you with postage paid envelopes to mail your scratch sheets in. You will be allowed to keep this envelope on your desk. and will be asked to seal your envelope in front of the exam proctor.

The American Board of Design & Research
PO Box 6986
Tyler, TX 75711
Mail in materials
Some exams will require mail in documents. In this case the board will also provide postage paid envelopes for this. Please mail in materials to the board with the details listed below.

The American Board of Design & Research
PO Box 6986
Tyler, TX 75711